Why Fragile Ecosystems Are a Result of the Inhuman Act


A polar bear in the Canadian Arctic was filmed starving to death by a team working on climate change in that area. With ecosystems rapidly altering due to global increments in temperature we may soon be heading towards an unprecedented crisis.

Mark Johnson  is currently working as a freelance journalist – based in Pune.

Climate change will indeed be one of the major factors contributing to unprecedented upheaval for both humankind and the wildlife if we do not immediately take strong measures to curb it. We all know of how the global temperatures are rising due to melting of the icecaps and vice versa, how plastics and other non-biodegradable elements are polluted the land and the sea, how the global use of CFCs and other harmful gasses have corrupted the air and damaged our natural ecosystem.

We are discovering the many injuries that our lack of concern for the environment and our mindless race towards modernity has brought before us. While in our own country we discover this problem in myriad different avatars- from polluted skies and water bodies, death of aquatic life, poisoned soil and rivers, extinction of species and a drastic alteration in rain and climate patters there still remains to be seen a serious and sustained commitment to do something towards the crisis. Globally, if we do not reduce our consumption patterns and do not learn to live with sustainable technologies our futures may seem bleak.


Recently a video footage from the Canadian Arctic shows the amount of devastation that climate change has caused on polar bears in this region. The footage shows a hungry and emaciated bear yelling and crying for food in an area which seems inhospitable and non-conducive.

The polar bear was recorded starving to death by a team of researchers who had gone there to study the impact of climate change in that area. The team’s work established that if temperatures continue to soar high like they have been doing today the time may not be far when we will lose all polar bears and the ecosystems that sustained them. Today, when we see the heart drenching footage of the polar bear meeting his undeserved end we cannot help but ask ourselves if we too are responsible for what has happened to it and to many other species.

Our human greed, our lack of concern for the larger ecosystem, our unsustainable exploitation of the earth’s natural resources have made our planet inhospitable for many creatures. Unwilling to change things soon we shall soon be in a crisis similar to that of the helpless polar bear in the arctic. But the question is, are we listening?

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