Childhood symbolizes the most precious time in one’s life. A time when one is free to play the entire day without any responsibility, it’s the time when loving adults fulfill our demands even without asking, it’s the time of abundant love and pampering. Children are like the tender samplings that grow into beautiful trees with the sunshine and rain of a warm home and supportive surroundings. But sadly, not every child has the gift of a beautiful, carefree childhood- there are children who work at construction sites, at eating joints, in dangerous industries and even in many urban homes to earn a living for survival. Let’s not keep watching in silence, let us raise a voice- let us take a small step ahead and return a lost childhood. Let us not allow bulldozers and bricks to burry a sacred dream, a world where each child is special and loved and has the entire horizon to spread his wings!

The New Leam insists that we must rethink our educational practices and ask why knowledge must perpetuate injustice? Is there a possibility where education becomes a bridge for collective growth, can we think of an education that unites us in our essential humanity beyond class, caste or race?