The Promise of Engaged Pedagogy
Bell Hooks is known for her feminist thought and interesting work on pedagogy as an art. Here is a passage from her well known work where she shares with her readers her passion for the field of education and why she cannot remain a distant and aloof teacher.
The Poetry of Acharya Mahaprajna
In this dark world characterized by greed, violence, consumerism and narcissism, Acharya Mahaprajna’s wisdom enchants us and purifies our souls. The poetry of this...
Roshan- the Story of Pakistan’s Mobile Library on a Camel’s Back
Taking books to the remote villages of impoverished Balochistan, here is the story of Roshan, the camel.
Living Your Own Legend
At this moment of pandemic-induced despair and bewilderment, Paulo Coelho’s deep reflections are likely to generate the possibility of sanity, and make us reflect on the ongoing play of life and death.
Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Educational Ideal: Vision and Practice
Here is a book that enriches our understanding of the process of implementation of Krishnamurti's educational ideals.