Monday, March 10, 2025


Coronavirus showed the way cities fund public transport is broken – here’s how it...

COVID-19 has triggered a crisis for public transport, as lockdowns caused its use to plummet by 70-90% worldwide. Even as lockdowns ease, buses and...

The Starving Urban Poor in Dhaka and Chittagong

The plight of the urban poor in Bangladesh is a reminder of inadequate package rollouts and inefficient mechanisms to reach out to affected populations.

In the Absence of Public Transportation, No City is Smart

Personal cars, GPS-cabs and easy access to resources which can be used for transportation are paradoxically not a feasible choice for most people in our metropolises, what can we do to strengthen the public transportation channels?

Are Indian Cities Becoming Bourgeois?

Be aware of ‘smart’ cities which are likely to privilege the techno-managerial elite pampered by the neo liberal economy, and further marginalize the poor and the ‘unwanted’.

Stench, Stigma and Suffering: The Story of Lost Dreams at the Ghazipur Landfill

The pathological condition of the workers and inhabitants of the Ghazipur landfill calls for an urgent and timely intervention. Can India rethink its waste management?

The Monuments of Tomorrow: a Glimpse into the Future

The monuments offer us an escape into a world beyond the ordinary. They tell us about the politico-cultural dynamics that shaped our trajectories and offer us ways to reflect upon our own times.

Proposed Urban Employment Scheme and the Need for Minimum Wage Guarantee

EMPLOYMENT Azim Premji University’s research body producing proposal towards minimum employment guarantee in Indian small towns. The New Leam Staff Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections...

Coming Home to My Ancestral Village from the Busy Lanes of the Metropolis

EXPLORATION Returning back to one’s roots is always an enticing experience especially in a time where the metropolis symbolises a rat race and a restlessness that does not allow people to rest. The village with its beauty and abundance, authentic interactions and simpler way of life are gradually altering but what continues to be unchanged is the spirit of homecoming that embraces one each time they enter the village.

When the Metropolis Killed a Pigeon

SPECIAL ESSAY Metropolitan living has often made us incapable of humanity and brought home the illusion that all beings are secondary to humans. A recent experience of pain and inner conflict as reflected on by the author enabled him to see the irony of this anthropocentric fallacy.

The Madness of being a Wanderer

In this creative piece, the author has reflected on ways of seeing as he moves around the city.

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