Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: ecology

Mahatma Gandhi’s Message for Healing a World Troubled by Violence, War and Ecological Ruin

When the world is faced with unprecedented environmental problems, violence and intolerance, we need the message of Gandhi more than ever before.
We seem almost addicted to the internet, often at the cost of the environment.

The True Environmental Cost of the Internet

The internet has become a quintessential part of our lives and we depend on it for most things but do we realise its consequences for the environment?
In an email interview, Raghavendra Gadagkar talks about the possibilities of low-cost research. Photo from Raghavendra Gadagkar.

Science on a shoestring budget

In his latest book, ethologist and evolutionary ecologist Raghavendra Gadagkar, speaks about the importance of low-cost research and the need for academia and Indian society to recognise and attach social prestige to it.

Excerpt | The Violence of the Mechanical Mind

Vandana Shiva's penetrating observations and sharp reflections make us rethink the project of modernity - its instrumental rationality, its hyper-masculine doctrine of development and manipulation of nature, and its dualism that separates the knower from the known, science from ethics, and is centralizing/monopolizing tendency.

Single-Use Face Masks Will Bring Up an Unprecedented Waste Crisis Impacting the Ecology Forever

The ecological implications of the unprecedented usage of single-use masks will be massive and without a conscious effort on behalf of the global community, the pandemic will have far reaching consequences.

The Ecological Questions Around Disposal and Recycling of Used PPE Kits in a Pandemic...

Single-use plastics in the form of used PPE kits are landing up in our water bodies and landfills posing important ecological questions.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Taught Us The Need to Live in Tune With Bio-Diversity...

The coronavirus pandemic shows us the need to rethink our life choices and lead a life that is holistically in tune with nature and bio-diversity.

Sharp Population Reduction in Honeybees Endangers Food Security and Biodiversity

Rapid fall in the population of honeybees across the world is a threat to ecological balance and bio-diversity.

Why I’m bringing centuries-old ‘ghost ponds’ back to life

Ponds can be extremely biodiverse. They support more aquatic species than any other freshwater habitat and provide important food sources for farmland birds and bats.

The Need for Amendments in the Lockdown and a Call for Reasonable Flexibility of...

The total lockdown in the face of coronavirus has had multiple implications for the economy and the society. The question really is whether the allocation of fund in this regard is enough to sail us through the crisis.

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