Tuesday, February 25, 2025


We seem almost addicted to the internet, often at the cost of the environment.

Wireless and 5G—Concerns for Health, Environment and Children

5G has devastating impacts for health especially for children around the world, but are we taking it seriously?
In the post-covid world is it the right time to seriously consider comprehensive and radical medical reform for the betterment of the collective

Comprehensive Health Reform Program: Towards Benefitted Developing Countries

In the post-covid world is it the right time to seriously consider comprehensive and radical medical reform for the betterment of the collective
India's poverty after pandemic

The Pandemic and India’s Changed Food Practices

The pandemic has changed the fast pace of life and has also sparked irreparable change. Many aspects of how we will live in the...

Rice Biodiversity in India Faces a New and Serious Threat

The article looks at the challenges of rice biodiversity in India and what can be done to address the upcoming concerns around it.
Stevens Fremont via Getty Images VIA The Conversation

Do vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker?

With the trend of veganism on the rise, the article discusses whether vegan diets are capable of making kids weaker and shorter.

Juhi Chawla’s Lawsuit Against 5G Refreshes the Debate on Adverse Impact of Mobile Radiation

Actress Juhi Chawla’s recent lawsuit against the rollout of 5G in India refreshes the debate on its possible harmful impact on life on the planet.

What steps must be taken to secure oxygen – for COVID-19 patients and into...

New waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in countries, such as Kenya and India, have exposed the poor management of oxygen supplies but what can countries with limited resources, can do to secure better supplies?

Bihar farmers take up makhana farming to cope with weather uncertainties

o cope up with the weather-related uncertainties, farmers in Bihar are taking up climate resilient crops such as makhana (foxnut) which they say are more suitable for the region.

The Controversy with Asbestos Legislation – Where Are We Today?

There are tens of thousands of deaths from asbestos-related illnesses in the U.S. each year and not just from working with asbestos products but also by secondary exposure.So why hasn't Asbestos been banned so far?

Flash droughts set to increase in India, finds study

Flash droughts are droughts that intensify more rapidly than normal, posing a risk to agriculture, ecosystems and water availability.

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