Whim of the Wealthy or Shared Choice: The Debate over Veganism
Paradoxically enough, in spite of the ecologically beneficial and healthy lifestyle which veganism has to offer, why should it continue to be the choice of the elite?
Denial wouldn’t help us Fight Starvation Deaths
Activists have time and again warned the nation state of starvation deaths but the sheer denial of its existence on the part of the government adds to the collective agony.
Eggs in Mid-Day Meals amid Assertive Food Politics
The debate over whether mid-day meals should be vegetarian or non-vegetarian has become part of the larger politics around food in the nation. The Odisha government plans to serve eggs as part of the mid-day meal but will it receive a national resistance?
Food democracy: why eating is unavoidably political
Corporate control of the global seed sector is one symptom of an undemocratic food system that favours transnational agribusinesses.
Vegan diet: how your body changes from day one
For those who have pursued a diet rich in meat and dairy for most of their lives, embarking on a vegan diet can lead to significant changes within the body.
Mid-day Meal Scheme and the Falsity of Statist Bureaucracy
Mid-day Meal Scheme
The negligence and state apathy shown towards the mid-day meal scheme was recently brought to light when five states were fined by the Supreme Court for not meeting the benchmark.
Working for Rural Women: the Apathy of India’s Anganwadi and ASHA Workers
The condition of Anganwadi and ASHA workers is a story of commitment amidst hardship. These are women who have committed themselves to working for rural healthcare but find their own lives in distress.
India’s Ailing Healthcare Needs Urgent Attention
What would be a bigger scare for parents then to know that their child has died in the children’s ICU after being bitten by rats? The stark reality of the Indian healthcare infrastructure is far grim than we imagine it to be.
Confronting India’s Healthcare Horror
Although not a fundamental right, healthcare demands the critical attention of the State especially at a time when the private sector is making its entry into all spheres of life from healthcare and schooling to banking and communication.
Inclusivity is the Only Solution to Poor Health among the Scheduled Tribes
Large scale rural to urban migration in the nation has implied that while the metropolitan centres have flourished and developed, the rural regions remain under the veil of poverty and ignorance. The poor health infrastructure in regions inhabited by the Scheduled Tribes in particular points to the unsustainable pattern of development and the need for inclusive care.