Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Women Enter Dark Pregnancy Den Amid COVID-19 Pandemic in India

An over-burdened public health system is witnessing the state withdraw from its responsibilities towards the welfare of India’s pregnant women amid the coronavirus pandemic.
textile industry

Destined To be Invisible : Why Indian Women are Absent from the Public Discourse...

The pandemic threatens women’s representation in the Indian public discourse and makes them further invisible from the domains of education, employment and empowerment.

How Mumbai’s poorest neighbourhood is battling to keep coronavirus at bay

More than a month before the Indian government imposed a national lockdown, Shivaji Nagar residents, supported by the NGO Apnalaya, adopted their own measures to counter the pandemic.
Coronavirus in Indian Jail

Coronavirus and the Threat of Infection in Indian Jails

The spread of coronavirus infection in jails is a nightmare staring into the eyes of Indian jail authorities. With high population density and low hygiene, will prisons be made more safe for inmates?

Does nicotine protect us against coronavirus?

A recent paper which examined smoking rates among COVID-19 patients in a French hospital hypothesised smoking might make people less susceptible to COVID-19 infection.

Coronavirus No Excuse to Snatch Women’s Rights: Access to Medically Supervised Abortions Amid Lockdown

Medically conducted abortions shall be part of essential medical services even amid lockdown, assert doctors and feminists in a moving statement.
Workers in a pork processing plant, 2016. USGAO/Wikipedia

To understand the danger of COVID-19 outbreaks in meatpacking plants, look at the industry’s...

The meatpacking industry is an important job source for thousands of people. In 2019 it employed nearly 200,000 people in direct meat processing jobs at wages averaging US$14.13 per hour or $29,400 yearly.

The impulse to garden in hard times has deep roots

Gardening, on the other hand, has overtaken her life. Plantings that started out back have expanded around the side of the house, and gardening sessions have stretched later into the evening, when she sometimes works by headlamp.

What Accounts for Low Cases of COVID-19 in India?

Low cases of COVID-19 could possibly be due to a collective outcome of low testing rates, a nationwide lockdown and inadequate reporting.

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