Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tag: Gandhi

Gandhi in his Lighter Moments

Gandhi is the iconic symbol of peace, on-violence and communal brotherhood. On his birth anniversary we pay tribute to the man whose humility and simplicity have continued to inspire many genrations.

Path Breaking in the Great Trial of 1922

The historical trial of Mahatma Gandhi and Shri Shankarlal Ghelabhai Banker, editor, and printer and publisher respectively of Young India, on charges under Section 124 A of the Indian Penal Code, was held on Saturday, 18th March 1922, before Mr. C. N. Broomfield, I. C. S., District and Sessions Judge, Ahmedabad.


SAY ‘NO’ TO “SMART CITIES”  Here is a reflexive piece that interrogates the idea of ‘smart’ cities, and pleads for the recovery of the...

The Individual as an Agent of Social Change

STUDENT CORNER Young Minds and Their Creative Articulations The New Leam organized a creative writing project involving the students of Jesus and Mary college, University...

Experience, Politics and Resistance: Revisiting ‘Hind Swaraj’ By Dr. Ruchira Das & Dr. Vikas...

CRITICAL INSIGHT Experience, Politics and Resistance: Revisiting ‘Hind Swaraj’ Three bullets killed the man called Gandhi but they did not diminish the greatness of the ideas...

Invoking Soul Force: Revisiting Hind Swaraj By Urmi Bhattacharyya

ENGAGEMENT WITH THE CLASSICS Invoking Soul Force: Revisiting Hind Swaraj Even though there are many critiques of the project of Enlightenment and Western modernity, Mohandas Karamchand...

Rediscovering Gandhi’s Nai Talim – By Ritika Chawla

PARADIGM SHIFT Education is the guiding force of any society, its future lies in the hands of its teachers who shape and cultivate the consciousness...
Children enjoying themselves while playing in the rain in India.

PERSPECTIVE : Invoking the Gandhian Model of Education in a Violent World Order –...

The union between the physical and the mental seems to be our only hope for redemption for a world free from fear. How can...

Letters and Biographies: Beyond Textbooks By Avijit Pathak

                                          Letters and Biographies: Beyond Textbooks ...

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