Friday, February 7, 2025

Tag: pandemic

The cover of the book '“Rescue: from global crisis to a better world”.

Book calls for a rethink of capitalism amid the ravages of COVID-19

The pandemic and its devastating impact on the world as a whole compels us to rethink capitalism in our times.

The COVID-19 crisis and the Vulnerability of Human Existence: It’s time to Redefine Ourselves

Dissociated with nature, isolated in pain and stigmatised in illness: how cruel has society made us? A reconnect with nature is our innermost need.

Charging Indians for COVID vaccines is bad, letting vaccine producers charge what they like...

The article argues against the policy of charging people for COVID vaccines in India and the monopoly of vaccine producers in a pandemic hit India.

COVID in India: the deep-rooted issues behind the current crisis

The following article examines the various factors that may have been responsible for turning the COVID-19 pandemic into a humanitarian crisis in India.

Social Moorings and Distancing: From Living in an Intimate Neighbourhood to Living in a...

During the mid- 70’s I grew up in a para (a neighbourhood or locality having a strong sense of community solidarity) in North Bengal...
The bond of a student and teacher is premised on trust, making it the most vital thing amid the pandemic.

Teaching at the time of the Pandemic

The article talks about the experiences of a teacher as she redefines the meaning and importance of the vocation of teaching amid the ongoing pandemic.

India’s staggering COVID crisis could have been avoided. But the government dropped its guard...

The article explores whether the Indian government is beginning to drop guard well too early into the COVID-19 pandemic and what needs to be done to address the problem now.

As India’s COVID crisis worsens, leaders play the blame game while the poor suffer...

The need of the hour is for the nation-state to show decisive leadership in not only controlling the surge of the virus, but also providing financial assistance to millions of urban poor and making arrangements for them such that they can survive the pandemic with dignity.
One of the greatest impacts of the pandemic has been on the informal economy, this has left an unprecedented negative impact on the elderly within the sector who have become more vulnerable than ever before.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Elderly Workforce in the Informal Sector

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed innumerable challenges before us and among them an increased vulnerability of an aged workforce demand our urgent attention. The deteriorating and worrisome plight of the elderly especially in the informal sector needs to be given adequate attention.
Lockdown guidelines

Nationwide Lockdown Extended Till May 17: Zone-Wise Restrictions Permitted 

The MHA has announced its decision to extend the countrywide lockdown by two more weeks to curb and curtail the spread of COVID-19. Permissions and restrictions will be applicable to states based on designated zone categorisations.

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