Tag: pedagogy
Nurturing the use of Senses at the School Level
Growing urbanization and fascination with gadgets has often ended up robbing children of the time and space to discover and relate to the natural world around them, this not only deprives them of the sheer happiness of unwinding in natural abundance but also weakens their artistic/emotive faculties. The article that follows shares some creative insights as to how pedagogues can bring young learners closer to nature through simple yet meaningful activities.
When Carl Sagan talked about Science and Humanity
Science and humanity are intrinsically related to each other, the piece that follows establishes this link once again in the light of Carl Sagan’s ideas in this context.
Learning as the cultivation of the Integrated Self: revisiting the John Holt classic ‘How...
Teachers often wonder why children don’t learn what they teach. Why do children fail? What should be the nature of classroom discourse? In a...
The Gentle Man who Taught Infinity By Sheshagiri K M
The Gentle Man who Taught Infinity
The pedagogue is no less than a magician who transforms the life of the student in uncountable ways; here...
The Importance of Performing Arts in Creative Pedagogy By Nidhi-Qazi
The Importance of Performing Arts in Creative Pedagogy
Creativity is the stimulant in any classroom and without the magic that it brings learning can never...
Teaching Geography the Creative Way: A Pedagogue’s Classroom Diary By Susheela Raghavan
Teaching Geography the Creative Way: A Pedagogue’s Classroom Diary
Geography is often taught as a dry discipline which requires the mechanical memorization of facts and...
Rethinking the Purpose and Basis of Indian Education By Michel Danino
Rethinking the Purpose and Basis of Indian Education
Education must not be seen only as a mechanical acquisition of knowledge, rather it should enable...
Autonomous and Natural Learning Model – By Pramod Maithil
Tinkering Lab is an innovative experiment that trusts the creativity of the child and believes in experiential learning. Here is an account that reveals...
The Children of Gita Press – By Ritu Sinha
In a diverse country like ours there are more than one ideals for childhood. Here a researcher explores the ideas of childhood promoted by...
Education, Knowledge and Development By Dr. R.S. Krishna.
Education, Knowledge and Development
Are we living in a world that works on the dictum of ‘Development’ (the ruling hegemony)? Are schools striving to reproduce...