Saturday, March 15, 2025


Exploitation, Sustained Effort or Dispossession: Contouring the Urban Narrative Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

As the pandemic takes a toll, it is important to ask what is shaping the larger political narrative. Is it the commodification of the suffering of the poor and marginalised or a genuine framework of extended state led measures?

The Need to Revive the Lost Art of Sharing and Caring as India’s Poor...

Hyper-consumption, lack of political will and unfair distribution of resources has made the Indian poor and the migrant class the worst sufferers of the financial crunch amid the lockdown.
public healthcare system in Bihar

COVID-19 Has Exposed India’s Rich-Poor Divide Unlike Before and Brought Healthcare to the Centre-Stage

The Coronavirus pandemic has underlined India’s fragile public healthcare system and decades of meagre expenditure on strengthening possibilities for affordability and quality in healthcare.
Economy in pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Need for Reinstating the Role of the State in...

Amidst the pandemic, there is urgent need for the State to reinstate its role in the economy and increase spending in universal public health and welfare measures.

A 21-Day Lockdown and the Struggles of India’s Street Children 

Thousands of street children have been adversely impacted by the 21-day lockdown and are going to bed hungry. Let’s think of these children struggling to survive the lockdown, before we complain of boredom in quarantine.

The Critical Challenge Posed by COVID-19: The Way Ahead 

Poor public health infrastructure, a great dependence on the informal sector and a lack of constructive measures is likely to leave a lasting impact on India's poor and marginalised, but its implications on the economy will impact the nation as a whole.
informal sector

UN Report : 400 Million Indian Workers May Sink Deeper into Poverty

The lockdown has unleashed the risk of growing unemployment and has the potential to sink about 400 million people into poverty in India.

The Tale of Deprivation and Negligence in the Dalit Hamlet of Bharosapurwa in Uttar...

This is a ground report on the scarcity of livelihood and sustenance opportunities for Dalits in select districts of Uttar Pradesh.
Kuchbandiya Community

Kuchbandiya Community Struggles for Essential Sanitation

Poor sanitation and infrastructural facilities have further pushed the Kuchbandiya community into marginalisation and hardship.

Oxfam Report Highlights Rampant Income Inequality: India’s richest 1% Holds Four Times the Wealth...

The report shows that the world’s 2,153 billionaires have more wealth than the 4.6 billion people who make up 60 per cent of the planet’s population. The unpaid care work by women added at least $10.8 trillion a year in value to the world economy.

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