Saturday, March 15, 2025


Unemployment in the Age of Automation

RUTHLESS TECHNOCRACY While robots and smart machines may soon take away most of our jobs, the striking challenges of unemployment and entrenched poverty that are faced by a nation like India may remind us of the precedence of social justice over a stubborn drive for automation.

The Hungry Nation: India’s Poor GHI Ranking

ECONOMY We as a nation have failed to ensure that all people irrespective of class lead a dignified living and have quality food at subsidised rates. The nation’a poor rank in terms of the GHI paints towards a very sorry picture.

The Struggle of Indian Masses is Inseparable from the Glory of the Tricolor

VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY On the occasion of independence day, we are sharing a creatively curated photo-essay with  series of penetrating images for our readers.

Mocking the Underprivileged through Poverty Estimation

VIEWPOINT | Should the ‘poor’ feel gratified, obliged and thankful if they succeed in crossing a line which they might not be even know exists? Do they not have any right to have a life beyond the ‘basic’ needs of food, clothing and shelter? Why should they not feel mocked if their lives are reduced to statistics? Nivedita Dwivedi

In memory of a childhood lost in time…

We must rethink our educational practices and ask why knowledge must perpetuate injustice?  Is there a possibility where education becomes a bridge for collective growth, can we think of an education that unites us in our essential humanity beyond class, caste or race?

COMMENTARY : World’s 1% Individuals Will Have Two-Third of The Wealth in 2030

In an age where poverty and associated dignity of people irrespective of their economic background is becoming difficult to attain, it has been acknowledged that in the year 2030 world’s 1% population will have two-thirds of the wealth. Growing global inequality has been an issue that nations across the globe are facing.

Why we are Uncomfortable with Neo-liberalism

The infrastructural expansion of our urban areas has built an illusion of universal progress however for many people it has not been the scenario.

Child Labour : a collective concern

Child labour is born in a society where both poverty and illiteracy are prevalent. It must be eradicated from its roots for an emancipatory social system.

Goa : BJP Mockery of the Pathos of Poverty

Mr. Parrikar needs to understand that when there are more than 270 million people below the poverty line there are far greater concerns than cleanliness. While we should be working towards building a system that ensures people a dignified living across economic backgrounds, no elected representative in a democracy shall have the right to mock the conditions of the suffering poor.

Poverty, Illiteracy and Disease: Compulsive Digitalization is No Solution

Digitalization as a compulsive strategy shall only prove alienating and disastrous in a milieu where infrastructural development is scarce and public readiness is incomplete. Denial of basic resources and facilities in the absence of adequate familiarity to these strategies can often prove threating to the very welfare of the system and its people. Can we strive towards a more inclusive strategy? Minakshi Yadav

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