Friday, March 7, 2025


School Surveillance: When Terror Comes Masked as Goodwill Measure

The widespread presence of CCTV cameras in schools normalises the culture of doubt and suspicion and denies the possibility of an ecosystem that is based on trust and goodwill.

Schools Record Low Attendance in Valley as Fear Persists

Low school attendance in the Valley in the aftermath of the abrogation of Article 370, is a serious concern.

CCTV Surveillance in Delhi Government Schools is Turning Them into an Orwellian Nightmare

AAP government may have done a commendable job at uplifting the face of public schooling in Delhi but its decision to broadcast live CCTV footage from classrooms is a regressive move.

True Education and not Literacy is the Need of the Times

The colonial administration focused on an education system meant to be produce non-reflexive, law-abiding citizens, but even today why does the education system fail to cultivate rational thinking and creative imagination?

School Students Take Hygiene to the Community:The Story of a Humble School in Junagadh,...

FROM THE FIELD / There is a widespread feeling that government schools are not well-maintained, particularly so in villages. But many government schools are breaking this image with significant improvements.

Abusive and Sadist: Indian Schools in the Dark Age

A residential school’s hurry in burying the body of a twelve year old student after he was killed by seniors in the school premises at Dehradun, points to the emergence of the school as a site for abuse and sadism instead of the nurturance of potential.

From Learning Happiness to Happiness While Learning: Reflections on the Happiness Curriculum

Government of NCT of Delhi has introduced the ‘Happiness Curriculum’ to make schools less stressful and much happier spaces for children through mindfulness, storytelling and self-expression. Can such a curriculum percolate to the lived realities of all these children?

Thinking Beyond Hollow Conceptions of Teacher Performance

EDUCATION Will it be appropriate to rate teachers based on students’ performance alone or are there many nuanced factors that determine the way the child learns at school apart from the way the teacher delivers in class? Will critiquing the rating of teachers necessarily amount to allowing teachers to escape from being accountable to teaching?

Petitions Challenge Compulsory Hindu Prayers across Kendriya Vidyalayas

Petitioners have gone to the Supreme Court challenging the act of making Hindi and Sanskrit prayers compulsory in Kendriya Vidyalas across the nation and they see it as against the Constitutional rights of the minorities and non-believers.

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