Sunday, March 9, 2025


Finding True Education beyond Literacy

Education is more than the acquisition of knowledge and a set of skills, education should enable an individual to live a meaningful life and contribute to the nurturance of the greater good of society as a holistic enterprise. Upasana Kapur

Schools Reproduce Caste: The Tragic State of Affairs

CASTE | In an Uttar Pradesh school when children refuse a meal cooked by a Scheduled caste woman, it speaks about the paradox of our culture and the absence of interventions that bring about grassroot transformation.

Rethinking the Culture of Learning in our Schools and Communities

EXPLORATION The aim and objective of education is to inculcate finer sensibilities among learners and enable them to become sensitive, responsible and humane, the present education system often lays great emphasis on examination and competition and ignores the deeper essence of education creating a need to revisit learning in schools and communities.

No Drinking Water and Toilets in More than 50% Schools across the World: UNICEF...

REPORTAGE | A joint report by the UNICEF and the WHO has revealed the appalling situation in our schools, where 900 million children do not have access to safe drinking water globally. It reminds us yet again of the risk that is inflicted on children due to the sheer negligence of governments globally.

Private Schools Roll Back Arbitrary Fee Hike and Other Stories

THE LATEST | Private Schools Roll Back Arbitrary Fee Hike and Other Stories

Ideas and Innovation Transform Mysuru Government School

Teachers from a remote school in Haropura, Mysuru have taken the initiative to transform the school building into a train like structure attracting students like a magnet and thus resolving the problem of dropouts.

Breaking the School-Coaching Center Nexus

EDUCATION | The Directorate of Matriculation of Schools, Tamil Nadu has issued a curricular to schools prohibiting them from collaborating with coaching centers and compelling students to take up uniform career choices.

The Kotia Ashram School in Odisha Represents the Crisis in School Education

EDUCATION Odisha | The Kotia Ashram School, Odisha does not have even the basic infrastructural facilities and symbolizes the absence of sustained reform in the domain of school education in India.

Mr Trump Arming Teachers Cannot Be a Solution to School Shootings in USA

In response to the Florida school shootings, President Trump assured guardians of stringent mechanisms by arming teachers with guns to protect students. Can we go far without addressing the root of the problem?

Vacation Days and Guardian’s Worry

Holidays make guardians worried for their children and the significance of making proper utilisation of time is their motive. Will occupying them in hobby workshops solve the crisis?

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