A Developed Country is Not Where Children Clean Toilets With the Plates they Eat...
Children in a government-run school in Madhya Pradesh have been asked to clean human excreta using their mid-day meal plates- is there anything more inhuman that children of the nation can experience?
Rescuing History from the Dead Weight of the Past
History is often the most dreaded subject as the learner finds it difficult to associate herself with it. Can adequate pedagogic tools be discovered which allow the learner to develop a genuine interest in the subject? The piece that follows throws light on this pedagogic challenge.
Don’t Wait for Another Mishap
The news about murder, harassment of children keep on popping up on media very frequently nowadays. Are children safe in school? Are they safe anywhere? How to keep them safe? Because of the prevalent belief systems, wrong notions are nurtured by most of us and those have immediate consequences on our children. The article reflects on their consequences on our children.
A Fresh Approach to Teaching the English Language Innovatively
Language is the essence of civilization and no human society can function without the passing on of language from one generation to the next. In the article that follows the author tries to suggest ways in which teaching the English language can be an innovative, engaging and fulfilling exercise.
India’s First Ever All Girls Agriculture School
According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), which is the only annual survey of its kind in India, depicting rural children’s learning and enrollment level district and state wise; the enrollment percentage of children in India halved from 2007 till 2014. Of the rest, the reading and arithmetic skills had lowered in these seven years. Uttar Pradesh is one of those states where these numbers have gone considerably down. On the flip side, U.P is also the home to India’s first ever English Medium, all girls, agriculture based primary school. The article that follows is an account on what it signifies for our times.
Female Teachers only to wear Sarees to School : Dictating our Sartorial Preferences
n a recent ruling the plea of female government school teachers to be allowed to wear ‘churidars’ to work was declined making ‘saree’ the unquestionable choice. This incident shows the archaic mindsets prevalent and the completely misplaced priorities of the state which rather than concentrating on matters of great importance that haunt the nation takes pleasure in dictating women’s sartorial preferences. Are we really in the 21st century?
Learning as the cultivation of the Integrated Self: revisiting the John Holt classic ‘How...
Teachers often wonder why children don’t learn what they teach. Why do children fail? What should be the nature of classroom discourse? In a...