Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: teaching

Learning in the outdoors opens up a wide range of possibilities for learners and brings out the best in them. Image: The New Leam Archives

On Touch, Love and Culture of Learning

A teacher narrates his experimental engagement with rural children, and reflects on the meaning of making a difference in the culture of learning.   
Teaching is continually exploring and expanding one’s mental horizon and psychic/cultural landscape

Three Lessons of Teaching

At a time when academic bureaucrats are obsessed with ‘ranking’ and ‘measurement’, a teacher speaks of what is immeasurable—the joy of teaching.
The bond of a student and teacher is premised on trust, making it the most vital thing amid the pandemic.

Teaching at the time of the Pandemic

The article talks about the experiences of a teacher as she redefines the meaning and importance of the vocation of teaching amid the ongoing pandemic.
online learning

Online Teaching is an Aid, Not an Alternative to the Real Classroom in Pakistan

Online teaching may be a trend amid the lockdown but it is inaccessible to more than 25 million Pakistani children. Can it be a sustainable solution in a country with extensive economic disparity and a strong rich-poor divide?

Can’t a Muslim Teach Sanskrit: BHU Protests Appointment of Muslim Teacher in Sanskrit Department

I don’t know Quran as much as I know Sanskrit literature, says Firoze Khan after a prolonged protest against his appointment .

Destroying Minds, Destroying Creativity

Even if we feel proud of our 'publications' and 'expertise', the fact is that the prevalent practice of higher education has destroyed our creativity and life-affirming energy.

Worrying Policy-Trends in School Education: Challenges and Dilemmas

For the populace of 490 million children born in India in this new millennium, the majority of whom are poor, the dream and hope of equitable school education continues to elude.

Grading, Student Engagement and Success in Academia

As university campuses are becoming increasingly alienating, a teacher reflects on the need for reciprocity.

Decadence of Studentship and the Need to Rethink Our Classrooms

With the decadence of an informed and active studentship, the university space is fast losing its liberating character.

Teaching History and Looking Beyond the Rhetoric

EDUCATION The significance of the discipline of history transcends time and space and when communicated adequately, it can leave a great impact on the mind of the learner. Here is an analytical piece on the critical importance of history and how it can be made meaningful. Sundaresh D.S

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