Tuesday, February 25, 2025


India Loves its Obsession with Witchcraft More Than its Women

Four people were brutally lynched in the name of witchcraft in Jharkhand, how regressive can India get?

Tribal and Dalit Activists Take Over the Street in Demand of Social and Economic...

On Tuesday, 5th March several Tribal, Adivasi and Dalit groups observed a protest and called for Bharat Bandh in Delhi.

Inclusivity is the Only Solution to Poor Health among the Scheduled Tribes

HEALTH Large scale rural to urban migration in the nation has implied that while the metropolitan centres have flourished and developed, the rural regions remain under the veil of poverty and ignorance. The poor health infrastructure in regions inhabited by the Scheduled Tribes in particular points to the unsustainable pattern of development and the need for inclusive care.

Forest People and the Lacuna in the Implementation of the PESA and FRA Acts

POLICY MAKERS The PESA and the FRA are acts that can empower people of the forests to lead dignified lives and generate livelihood. Improper implementation and dearth of democratic exercise need to be evaluated for meaningful utilization of forest resource and empowerment of people.

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