The BJP’s poll promise in Bihar ahead of the upcoming assembly elections in the state included an assurance of free COVID-19 vaccines to all the people in the state if it comes to power. The BJP was attacked by the Opposition which alleged that such a promise was creating confusing amid the pandemic and the politics of vaccines should not be used as a poll strategy when the country as a whole is battling the coronavirus pandemic and all citizens irrespective of their political choices deserved free access to the vaccine, which is yet to come out for regular use by people. It is in this context that the statement made by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal becomes important and especially his assertion that when the COVID-19 vaccine comes, it should be made available to all the citizens of the country free of cost. According to a report published in the NDTV, CM Arvind Kejriwal said, “ The whole country should get free vaccine when it becomes available, should be given to everyone for free.”
CM Arvind Kejriwal asserted that all the citizens of India should get the vaccine free of cost whenever it is out in the market free of cost during the inauguration of a new flyover in Delhi’s Shastri Park and Seelmapur neighbourhoods.
The promise made by the BJP in poll bound Bihar regarding the provisions for free vaccines if it comes to power in the state is not new and even states like Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh have been making similar promises to citizens there.
India’s coronavirus case count has now risen to 78,14,682 and more than 53,370 new cases have been reported in just the last twenty-four hours. The country now has 6,80,680 active cases and more than 70,16,046 people have recovered in the country so far.