The arrest of Hany Babu, a teacher at the Delhi University for his alleged involvement in the Bhima Koregaon-Elgar Parishad Case is being widely condemned by the academic community in the country as they see the act as unjust but adding to the already expanding debate on the arrest of the professor and activist, now his home has been raided according to the DU teachers association.
Jenny Rowena is the wife of the recently arrested Delhi University professor Hany Babu who has taken into custody by the National Investigation Agency in connection with the Bhima Koregaon Elgar Parishad Case and she reported that the investigating teams came to their residence and conducted a raid which lasted over two hours. Jenny Rowena is herself a teacher at Miranda House, Delhi University.
It is in this context that the recent statement by DUTA President Rajib Ray becomes of prime importance and underlines the growing discontent of the academic community. He said, “ I strongly protest and urge the government to desist from these illegal, strong-arm tactics and immediately stop this witch-hunt against academics and scholars.” Many teachers from Delhi University have come forward and condemned the arrest of the social activist and teacher by the NIA. Hanny Babu has been accused of being a maoist conspirator and has been called an “Urban Naxal” His house was raided by the Police according to Jenny Rowena who alleged said that it was being done to the find evidence against Hany Babu. Jenny Rowena said that his pen drives, pamphlets and hard disc were seized by the police.