A teacher in Ghana taught his students MS Word without having any real computer at his disposal. His drawing skills and determination are commendable. His school is being gifted device and software support to help hundreds of children in downtrodden landscapes to get a chance of equipping themselves with computer literacy.
Kavya Thomas | The New Leam
Ghana is an extremely deprived country where individuals find it difficult to be ensured of the basic needs for living. In this poor country there are many rural pockets where in similarity with our own nation there are school where no infrastructure is available.

It is amidst these constraining factors that a Ghanaian teacher named Richard Appiah Akoto made up his mind to show his creativity. Akoto is a computer teacher but the students that he is teaching have never seen computers in their lives and have little knowledge about the device. In this simple village school in Sekyedumase (Ghana) Akoto taught computer technology to the pupils despite the reality of no computers.
Wonderful in the talent of drawing this teacher drew the entire Microsoft Word screen on the classroom blackboard with intricate details to teach his students about operating the computer. The illustrations that he drew on the blackboard seemed so realistic and well done that the news of his talent did not take time to spread far and wide.
He said that he was extremely fond of his students and desired to make sure that they learnt computers but since they did not have access to real systems, he chose to draw it on the board and teach them. We salute the spirit of such a teacher who decided to continue trying instead of quitting the idea of teaching his students something that they would need later in their trajectories as professionals. After his achievement became known to the globe, Microsoft has decided to give device and software support to his school in order to facilitate great learning. Thus many students will benefit from a chance that they did not have earlier thanks to the efforts of this wonderful teacher.
The story of this teacher is indeed worth sharing and reminds us that irrespective of hardships, simple and ordinary individuals can do their best. Today so many children will have access to computers and be familiar with things that they had so far never dreamt of. The story is of celebration.
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