The JNU VC, it seems, is intoxicated with the sadistic urge to destroy the university. Even his Engineering Students have begun to overcome their silence.
The New Leam Staff

What is happening to your university, Mr. VC? Everybody, except those who love power, seem to be unhappy. Almost everyday newspapers, magazines and social media are revealing the intensity of damage that you have caused to this university. You dislike democracy. You avoid your students. You insult the teachers who seek to raise their voice in the Academic Council Meeting. You invite the ‘experts’ as you wish, and select the faculty who, you feel, would be in tune with your mode of operation. And out of your stubbornness you decided to start an engineering centre in a university that has excelled in liberal arts, social sciences and theoretical sciences. And you are also planning to start a management centre. Who can prevent you?
However, come out of your castle, and talk to the students who have taken admission in your engineering centre. Well, you charge Rs.60,000/ per semester. Yet, there is no building for the centre. There is no proper classroom. Yes, you can say that the Convention Centre–a space for cultural evenings and conferences – is their classroom. You can say anything because power makes one mad. The library, as students are saying, does not have good books on engineering sciences. Furthermore, where are the teachers? Where is the well-equipped lab? You force the School of Computer and Systems Sciences to carry this burden.
Even in your ‘digital’ JNU, as students are complaining, there are not sufficient computers; and you are teaching them Computer Engineering.!
Whom are you fooling, Mr. Jagadesh Kumar? You are playing with the fate of young students. Yes, many private universities as education shops do this. But, why do you have to reduce JNU into such a degrading stage?
Mr, Jagadesh Kumar, there are limits to everything. See yourself as a mature educationist. Read good books on the philosophy of higher education, learn something from the illustrious Vice-Chancellors who once illumined this great university,and become humble, honest, transparent and democratic.
Charging heavy fines from the dissenting students, issuing show cause notices to teachers, reducing the university into a court battle, and constantly suspecting your own students and colleagues: what will you get out of this chronic display of power? And now as you betray the young engineering students, what do you feel as a Professor of Engineering? Or have you forgotten even engineering in your sadistic/demonic urge to destroy the university?
Truly, someone would begin to write the obituary of the Jawaharlal Nehru University!