The art of poetry enables the poet to dissolve into the rhythm of life and reveal insights that are meaningful and enriched. A young poet shares the magnificence of nature and the insignificance of the human pride through a lucid combination.
Sukanya Khar
My insignificance was overwhelming,
As I stood facing the tall mountains,
The gushing waters threatened to envelope me.
Miles of solitude drowned by nature,
My presence was ignorable; yet humans attempt to control such vastness beyond human bounds.
Army men patrolled, keeping us safe.
Their valour astounded me as they brave the vastness;
They become one with mountains, snow, rain, rocks.
Kargil remembers the war, yet one can forget its occurrence,
Maybe such is the impact of war; a whirlpool mental state of fear and normalcy.
Life goes on in Kargil, a small city. It experiences extreme conditions;
The people must be resilient.
Living on the edge of India and Pakistan.
How sad, same people divided by violence,
How trivial is human to tear apart Nature by Borders.
My ignorance bewilders me;
Ignorance of self and what exists beyond me.
My insignificance is overwhelming; it is unsettling.
Is it selfishness?
Or sheer ignorance? We indulge in ourselves excessively,
We are surrounded by ourselves,
We refuse to look beyond ourselves.
And here I realize, privilege and ignorance, a dangerous combination!
Experience of parallel worlds, this should be a turning point in my life,
To improve upon oneself, to become sensitive.
The insignificance continues,
My presence ignorable still;
The goal is not Insignificance to significance,
But meaningless to meaningful.
The poet is a student in Daulat Ram College, Delhi University.