In hyper modern times mobile phones and social media platforms have brought about a new form of slavery into society. It is found that today we spend most of our time on phones compulsively addicted to social media. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to suggest that in postmodern times mobile phones are fast becoming the opium of the masses. Most of today are psychologically enslaved by social media and live in the world virtual realities more than in real world itself. Our ideas, expressions and actions are being monitored and directed accordingly. Now the challenge is how we may differentiate between the reality and the simulations born out of the virtual. Most youngsters are affected by the online syndrome and cannot afford to negotiate and deal with the concreteness and reality of the practical world- its relationships, its upheavals and dilemmas and its challenges.
In reference to such an important issue we want our reader to reflect on this issue and share their own experience with us at