Monday, March 10, 2025


How Excessive Dependence on Ground Water in the Gangetic Belt is Exposing People to...

Consumption of arsenic contaminated water in West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is a major health hazard but little is being done to address the crisis.

Arsenic Contamination of Water Resources in India: A Major Roadblock to Universal Health

Water contaminated by arsenic endangers hundreds of lives every year in India and is a pivotal concern for the wellbeing of its citiznes.

Arsenic Pollution and Growing Cases of Cancer in India

HEALTH / Public health in India is drastically impacted by the presence of arsenic contaminated water. This leads to widespread disease and ailment in the Ganga planes primarily impacting the states of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha.

Arsenic Poisoning of Water and Rampant Cancer Outbreaks in North India

Clean and portable water is a basic human need but what happens when due to infrastructural lapses and lack of governmental will even this basic right is denied to a large section of the population? Diseases such as Cancer become rampant and the general health of the public deteriorates radically. The piece that follows throws light on this grave matter.

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