Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: ART

Art History and Dehistoricising Art

Art history is effective in telling us about the historic context in which a piece of art was published but can it also deprive us of the opportunity of appreciating its creative flow?

Video|Meet painter Pratul Dash

Pratul Dash is an Indian artist and painter from Odisha. He is a multidimensional artist working across diverse media including painting, video art, performance art, photographic art, earth art, installation, and sculpture. He received his Bachelor’s degree from B.K. College of Arts and Crafts, Bhubaneswar in 1995 and his Master’s degree in painting from College of Art, New Delhi in 1998. He has held five solo shows in major art galleries of India and has been a part of many group shows developed by reputed curators.A recipient of the prestigious Inlaks award, Pratul went for a residency at Cittadelarte in Biella, Italy. He has participated in numerous art camps and residencies and is widely acknowledged for raising various environmental issues about the damages inflicted on the ecological balance, earth, and society at large.

Sculpting Life through Stone: the Greatest Sculptors of the World

SCULPTURE A sculpture is a form of art that requires not only immense patience and skill but also the versatility on the part of the artist to celebrate and bring to life animate objects as realistically as possible on a myriad of materials ranging from metal, stone and wood. Here we celebrate five of the greatest sculptors the world has ever produced and discover what made their approach to their work unique and aesthetic. Rihaan Khan

Art is Therapeutic Claims a Recent Report

Arts have a potential to cure tension and stress. They help us by making life aesthetic and meaningful in different ways. Let us explore how we can live more artistically in day to day existence.

And the Death of Wonder By Nutan Upadhyay

Recently we raise a debate on the nature of science education in the age of technological seduction. Here is a response that reveals how...

What Does it really Mean to Honour the Dead?

An artist’s mind is a treasure house of creative zeal and innovative practice, the story of Bea Haines is an inspiring one that reminds us of how death is only an extension of life.

Learning From Children: How They Want Their Teachers To Be By Pooja Maggu &...

Learning From Children: How They Want Their Teachers To Be No research on pedagogy can be complete unless it takes into account the ideas of...

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