Monday, March 10, 2025


Buddha is Here…

As we celebrate Buddha Purnima, The New Leam chooses to share with the readers the extraordinarily illuminating messages of mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh conveyed in the process of his teaching. Yes, Buddha is here. Are we prepared to find Him?

BOOK REVIEW/ A Complete History of India by Roshen Dalal

Roshen Dalal weaves together the complex and divergent threads of Indian history retaining both complexity of narrative as well as beauty of presentation.
Varsha Das’ ‘Mahila Padh-Likh Le To

Varsha Das’ ‘Mahila Padh-Likh Le To?’: A Feminist Text, A Humanitarian Cause

Varsha Das’s powerful yet simply articulated text leaves an impact on the mind of the young learner on the importance of women’s education.
Author-thinker Lata Mani/ Credit:

Sacred Secular: The Beauty of an Accidental Discovery

Lata Mani—a gifted scholar/seeker—inspires us to redefine the mode of cultural critique.

Feminism, Hinduism and the Caste Question

Here is a thought provoking book that is bound to engage the reader in a process of rigorous self-introspection.
Dambudzo Marechera was a Zimbabwean novelist, short story writer, playwright and poet

One Marechera, two points of view

The vastly different perspectives and treatments in two recent books about Zimbabwean author Dambudzo Marechera leave the reader with tantalising questions beyond the subject matter.

Ambedkar Called for the Annihilation of Caste but Today Caste is Annihilating Young Ambedkars...

An extraordinary leader's life and times have been captured in this remarkable yet simply written book with an emphasis on aspects of his human side rather than his political trajectory.

Battle of Belonging: On Nationalism, Patriotism And What It Means To Be Indian

The following passage has been excerpted from Parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor's book The Battle of Belonging: On Nationalism, Patriotism And What It Means To Be Indian.

Excerpt | The Violence of the Mechanical Mind

Vandana Shiva's penetrating observations and sharp reflections make us rethink the project of modernity - its instrumental rationality, its hyper-masculine doctrine of development and manipulation of nature, and its dualism that separates the knower from the known, science from ethics, and is centralizing/monopolizing tendency.

Book Review | Waking Up with Love and Wisdom

An amazing book by a Tibetan Buddhist Master—here is a reflection. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Sadness, Love, Openness: The Buddhist Path of Joy, Shambhala South Asia Editions, 2018

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