Monday, March 10, 2025


Young People’s Discomfort with Gandhi: A Perspective

As a nineteen-year-old undergraduate student in Mumbai, I cannot help but notice a growing disinterest or even rejection of Gandhi among my peers and...

Sustainable Christmas trees: an ecologist’s buying guide

If you celebrate Christmas, chances are you are planning to decorate a tree (or have already). But how do you make an informed and...

Does Neo-Liberalism Devalue the Role of a Teacher?

The Neo-liberal agenda has reduced the teacher into a facilitator or service-provider and the learner into a mere client.
inequality in india

The Violence Embedded in Liberalism and the Complexity of a Modernist Utopia

The following piece deals with an in-depth understanding of the culture of systematic violence engrained in contemporary liberalism.

As states weigh human lives versus the economy, history suggests the economy often wins

Whether it’s a plague or pandemic, the story tends to remain the same, with the quest for profits eventually prevailing over concerns for human health.

A Request to be Colonised

When the British came to colonise us we won back our sovereignty through sustained resistance but today we are asking to be colonised, however by another equally powerful force.

At Rishikesh: A Cup of Coffee with Thich Nhat Hanh and Jiddu Krishnamurti

SPECIAL ESSAY In this rhythmic piece the author has reflected on his engagement with the two gifted spiritual masters of our times.

Capitalism is killing the world’s wildlife populations, not ‘humanity’

ENVIRONMENT Capitalism – particularly in its neoliberal form – is an ideology founded on a principle of endless economic growth driven by consumption, a proposition that is simply impossible.

Why we are Uncomfortable with Neo-liberalism

The infrastructural expansion of our urban areas has built an illusion of universal progress however for many people it has not been the scenario.

Ecological Crisis and the Choice of Humanity

ENVIRONMENT/ Ecological violence and denial of a harmonious human-nature bond have resulted in a crisis of ethics around the world. At a juncture when neither the spirit of tribal eco-sensitivity nor the charm of the Romantic Movement can be revived, is there a possible path that can guide the modern, industrial civilization towards sustainability, reciprocity and nurturance with respect to nature. Mark Johnson

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