Child Mortality Rates Likely to Double if Health Services Remain Disrupted Amid Covid-19 Outbreak,...
Global Efforts towards eliminating Preventable Child Deaths Facing Serious Hurdles due to the Pandemic. Protection of health services is a must if children are to be saved.
The Worrying Trend of Stillbirths and Babies Excreting Inside the Womb in Coronavirus Infected...
The release of meconium inside the womb and a growing number of stillbirths in coronavirus positive mothers causes concern and worry.
New Lancet Study Reveals Children Likely to Have Mild COVID-19 Symptoms
A Lancet study highlights that COVID-19 causes mild disease in most children, while fatalities are rare.
Climate Change: Lancet Report Warns of Health Implications for Children
If climate change is not tackled today, our children will live only to suffer.