Monday, March 10, 2025


What Sort of Schools Are You Searching For, Dear Parents?

EDUCATION As the anxiety over children's admission into nursery classes becomes infectious, the author appeals to the parents to reflect on the 'goodness' of 'good' schools.

Challenges of Intolerance and War are Crucial to Education in Our Times

BRINGING UP CHILDREN The challenges of bringing up our children in an increasingly turbulent world demand that parents and educators throughout the world unite and strive for ways to inculcate peace and brotherhood across the world.

NCW Lifts Lid over Pathetic Plight of India’s Shelter Homes

In a recent report the NCW investigated the condition of 25 shelter homes for women in states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha and Karnataka only to find them in pathetic condition and without the minimum facilities.

Neglected and Deprived, the World’s Injustice for Yemen

YEMEN CRISIS The Yemen crisis has had a long standing implication on the lives of Yemenis who are having difficulty in even ensuring that their children don’t starve to death. It’s time for world politics to take charge of the situation and enable Yemenis to lead a better life.

Mid-day Meal Scheme and the Falsity of Statist Bureaucracy

Mid-day Meal Scheme The negligence and state apathy shown towards the mid-day meal scheme was recently brought to light when five states were fined by the Supreme Court for not meeting the benchmark.

Parental Exposure to Pestcides Renders Children Vulnerable

HEALTH It is widely known that when pregnant women are exposed to very low levels of organophosphate pesticides, the development of the IQ becomes difficult for their children.

Why Care for Literature?

LITERATURE Literature is philosophy—the way we see the world, feel its many layers, and learn and unlearn. How important it is for the child to grow with good literature! And when a sociologist with profound literary sensibilities writes  about it we rediscover yet another meaning of education

Hindus and Muslims Belong Together: Why Our Schools Don’t Understand

At a school in Wazirabad, Hindus and Muslims compose two different sections; amidst an already fractured national consciousness has schooling failed its inclusive purpose? Ananya Pathak

Children ought to be told about Death

PERSPECTIVE This article emerges out of the experience of a teacher who questions the negligence of important questions such as the meaning of death from our school curriculum and the larger discourse in the field of education. Gayatri Pattnaik
porn needs careful regulations

Why Your Addiction to Porn is More than a Disease

MATTER OF CONCERN Unrestricted accessibility of pornographic content leads to sexual violence that disrupts the very fabric of society. We live in a world where not only is the need for restriction over porn crucial but also fundamental for the wellbeing of society. Bharat Dogra

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