Monday, March 10, 2025


Gauhati High Court

Home Minister Announces Countrywide NRC

Nationwide NRC to be implemented soon, aim and logistics questioned by Opposition.

Transgender Rights/Marginalisation and Exclusion Continue for Assam’s Transgender Persons Excluded from NRC

The exclusion of more than 2000 persons from the Assam NRC despite NALSA judgement, paints a grim picture.

Exclusion, Marginalisation and the Human Cost of the NRC

It has been just over ten days since the publication of the NRC. The publication of the Register culminates an unrivalled bureaucratic exercise for documenting genuine citizens of the state but all this comes at an extraordinary human cost.

Assam NRC Excludes 19 Lakh People: What is the Fate of the ‘Stateless’?

More than 19 lakh people in Assam have been left out of the NRC list. What will be the fate of those who have been rendered ‘stateless’?

Cultivating Educated Citizens for a Vibrant Democracy

Democracy demands an educated and vibrant citizenry that perceives of its role beyond the routine casting of votes.

Neglected Electoral Issues that Continue to Haunt Assam

As the election fever has finally ended and the nation has chosen its leaders, here are the issues that continue to haunt Assam.

Assam in Cacophony over the Citizenship Amendment Bill

THE CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT BILL | The Citizenship Amendment Bill has generated widespread unease and protest in Assam as it proposes to leave a great part of the state’s population stateless and homeless.  Will a democratic nation turn a deaf ear to the voice of the marginal?

The Assam Bandh over Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016

POLITICS A bandh was organised in Assam to protest against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016 to grant Indian citizenship to all non-Muslim refugees who left India due to religious persecution and entered India prior to December 31, 2014. The BJP opposed the bandh and the Congress and AGP supported it.
Gauhati High Court

Assam amidst Political Turmoil over the NRC Bill

VIEWPOINT As more than 40 lacs citizens have been left out from the list and have been rendered stateless, the state of Assam faces a turbulent phase when notions of identity, statehood and political dynamics all come face to face posing several questions before the people. Chandreyee Goswami

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