Monday, March 10, 2025


Anti-CAA Protests

Why Anti-CAA Protests Have Taught us Unity Amid Differences

In a country where stereotypes and misconceptions about Muslims have become part of official rhetoric and we refuse to break free, what does secularism mean?

Why is the Government Afraid of Indian Students?

Jamia Milia Islamia, TISS, IIT, JNU and students from many other universities across India are transcending religious/cultural/regional boundaries to unite their protests against the controversial CAA and NRC exercises. But why isn’t the BJP government engaging with them?

Decoding PM Modi’s Ramlila Maidan Speech: A ‘Soft Retreat’ from BJP’s Erstwhile Aggressive NRC...

PM Modi finally spoke on the nationwide protests against the CAA and assured the agitating Muslim community that there was no need to feel afraid.

Citizenship Amendment Act: Resistance in Times of Majoritarianism

The recently passed Citizenship(Amendment)Bill is witnessing nationwide protests and is seen by many citizens as violative of constitutional ideals.

Letters | Let’s change the trend

It is the young who hold the key to the future of democracy, it is in their innovative and self-reflective practices that a nation may salvage itself. Here is a heart-felt letter written by a young mind, reflecting on our times.

Ram Prasad and Ashfaqullah Khan Freedom-fighters Whose Legendary Friendship became a Powerful Symbol of...

Ashfaq popularised Hindi in his own community, but at the same time asked Ram Prasad to also write in Urdu so that his community members can also read his revolutionary writings.

VIDEO | CAB’s Onslaught on Religious Diversity in India

A conversation between Professor Rizwan Qaiser and Sagar Dey on the recent CAB controversy and its alleged onslaught on religious diversity in India.

China’s Communist Party is Playing Out Extreme Violation Against the Country’s Muslim Minorities

Beijing is horrifyingly repressing its Uyghur Muslim population in torturous detention camps and converting them into conformists.

An Awakened Citizenry is the Need of the Hour

As citizens we have taken the responsibility to elect a government so we must also hold it accountable, the former is our right while the latter is our duty.

Mass Sedition of Jharkhand Adivasis who Revoked Constitution to Save Land

Mass sedition has plagued Jharkhand’s Khunti district where more than 10,000 Adivasis has been charged for conspiring against the state.

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