Wednesday, March 5, 2025


How to get COVID-19 vaccines to poor countries – and still keep patent benefits...

The world has a COVID-19 vaccine access and distribution crisis. While almost half of all doses administered so far have been in Europe and North America, while many poorer countries have vaccinated less than than 1% of their populations.

EXCERPT | How Not to Make a Distinction Between the Religious and the Secular

Hinduism, argues Shashi Tharoor, has to be rescued from its self-proclaimed protectors.

Centre’s Ignorance of MGNREGA is a Cold Shoulder to Unemployment and Farmer Distress

The Budget was announced on February 1st and has led to disillusionment about the scarcity of funds allocated to the MGNREGA. Amid rampant unemployment and decline in farm income, can such a decision be negated?

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