Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: covid

Reimagining Early Childhood Education (ECE) in post-COVID India

The COVID-19 pandemic jolted the Indian education system effecting the learning trajectories of lakhs of Indian students, the piece urges us to rethink early childhood education in the post-pandemic world.

Charging Indians for COVID vaccines is bad, letting vaccine producers charge what they like...

The article argues against the policy of charging people for COVID vaccines in India and the monopoly of vaccine producers in a pandemic hit India.

COVID-19 Mortality, Lockdowns And Policy Options

The article reflects on the unique challenges posed by the pandemic and the nuances of the state's lockdown policy to meet the newly erected challenges.

COVID in India: the deep-rooted issues behind the current crisis

The following article examines the various factors that may have been responsible for turning the COVID-19 pandemic into a humanitarian crisis in India.

Social Moorings and Distancing: From Living in an Intimate Neighbourhood to Living in a...

During the mid- 70’s I grew up in a para (a neighbourhood or locality having a strong sense of community solidarity) in North Bengal...

What steps must be taken to secure oxygen – for COVID-19 patients and into...

New waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in countries, such as Kenya and India, have exposed the poor management of oxygen supplies but what can countries with limited resources, can do to secure better supplies?

How to get COVID-19 vaccines to poor countries – and still keep patent benefits...

The world has a COVID-19 vaccine access and distribution crisis. While almost half of all doses administered so far have been in Europe and North America, while many poorer countries have vaccinated less than than 1% of their populations.

Intellectual property and Covid-19: how can we accelerate vaccination globally?

The following article explores how the process of vaccination may be specified and democratised globally and the key challenges involved.

COVID-19 in India: an unfolding humanitarian crisis

With a herd immunity that is still waiting to be developed and a crumbling healthcare sector, this article looks at the COVID crisis in depth in India.
The bond of a student and teacher is premised on trust, making it the most vital thing amid the pandemic.

Teaching at the time of the Pandemic

The article talks about the experiences of a teacher as she redefines the meaning and importance of the vocation of teaching amid the ongoing pandemic.

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