Monday, March 10, 2025


Melania Trump

Delhi Annual Budget 2018 : From Public Healthcare to Environment

POLICY The AAP Government presented its annual budget today. A lot of focus has been given to areas that effect ordinary citizens from public healthcare to schooling along with policies towards environmental sustainability and energy generation.

 Bavana Factory Fire: Illegal Enterprises and Weak Enforcement of Labour Laws

The Bawana factory fire has claimed the lives of seventeen workers and has pointed out once again to the rapid culture of lawlessness and lack of security in hazardous production units. However what remains to be seen is whether this would teach us all a lesson or will we continue to turn a blind eye to the crisis? Ananya Pathak

Shortage of Teachers in Government Schools in Delhi despite Vacancies

An adequate student-teacher ratio is the cornerstone of quality teaching-learning process and without the appointment of a sufficient number of teachers in place education is bound to suffer. Will the insufficient recruitment of teachers be immediately addressed or will our government schools continue to suffer? Kavya Thomas

Witness Recreation Redefined as ‘Oxygen Chamber’ Opens in Delhi

Huda City Centre has recently witnessed the opening up of a brand new ‘Oxygen Chamber’ where visitors can enjoy fresh air and buy environment friendly plants and furniture. In the absence of collective action and the lure of privatized solutions- will Delhi ultimately be reduced into a war-zone? Niharika Mathur

Bill on Guest Teachers Finally Passed

Teachers in government schools often work under difficult circumstances compelled to fulfill both teaching and administrative work. They are often denied adequate pay and infrastructural facilities; amidst these conditions a bill that provides them vocational security and dignity is an utmost necessity.

The Ryan International School Tragedy: The Rot is within us

The Ryan International School tragedy has shocked the entire nation, and generated diverse responses. One important response that has come primarily from the mainstream media and anxiety -ridden parents is that it is because of lapses in safety /security measures like installation of CCTV cameras at appropriate places, separating children’s washrooms from those for the Class IV staff and building of higher walls across the school compound that have collectively led to the tragedy.

When should the nation mourn the death of a tree?

We kill trees. We destroy the ecosystem. The master narrative of development justifies and even sanctifies this violence. Should we allow it to happen , or think of a new practice?

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