Monday, March 10, 2025


Before you buy a car, think of it…

Technology is seductive. It is exceedingly difficult to see its discontents, and come out of the ‘needs’ it keeps manufacturing through its market strategies and emotive symbols of ‘good living’. How often we fall in love with our cars! Our middle class existence is inseparable from the dream of having fancy cars. However, its consequences are disastrous. Car manufacturers and banks (which provide loans for buying cars) and insurance agencies would never tell this story. Yet, even today, you cannot stop the wisdom of a critical voice.

The Most Crucial Tasks are Often the Most Neglected Ones

Environmental degradation and the lack of large scale mobilizations to check its devastating impacts have brought before us an unprecedented challenge. It is reinforced by the paradox that many other insignificant matters do not allow serious action on an issue as grave and serious as this, can we think of an alternative that is beyond rhetoric?

Hang me, I have not changed :The tales of pain, social neurosis and loss...

In this reflexive piece Uttam—a theatre activist situated in West Bengal—reflects on his hometown, the ugly changes it is passing through, and its devastating...

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