Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Schooling in a Misogynistic Climate

A school teacher in Raipur warns her female students against wearing western attires and makeup as this makes their being raped justified according to her. Sexism and misogynistic mind-sets must urgently be condemned in our schools if we are to fight oppression and backwardness.
Education for women

Dear Minister Please Understand That If Clothes Made Men the Parliament Would Be Heavenly

The Union Minster of the nation asked men during a speech in Gorakhpur whether any of them would think it advisable to marry a...

Female Teachers only to wear Sarees to School : Dictating our Sartorial Preferences

n a recent ruling the plea of female government school teachers to be allowed to wear ‘churidars’ to work was declined making ‘saree’ the unquestionable choice. This incident shows the archaic mindsets prevalent and the completely misplaced priorities of the state which rather than concentrating on matters of great importance that haunt the nation takes pleasure in dictating women’s sartorial preferences. Are we really in the 21st century?

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