Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: Economy and Society

Mukesh Ambani is Now the Sixth Richest Person in the World, But What Does...

While Mukesh Ambani becomes the sixth richest person in the world, a Dalit farmer-couple in Madhya Pradesh consumes pesticide and commits suicide. The India of the skyscraper and the slum below have become more distant amid the pandemic than ever before.

Critical Pedagogy: Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals By Henry Giroux

On the occasion of Henry Giroux’s birth anniversary we are happy to publish the extract from his article titled ‘Crossing the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Modernism, Postmodernism and Feminism’. The New Leam believes that Henry Giroux is one of the leading critical pedagogues of our times, and his sharp reflections on culture, polity and education remind us of the discontents of the neo liberal notion of market-induced/skill-oriented learning.

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