Monday, March 10, 2025


UNICEF: Poverty, Malnutrition and Hunger Threaten to Push 120 Million Children Into Poverty Amid...

Poverty, reverse migration and malnutrition could push 120 million children into poverty in South Asia.
Migrant Workers

Migrant Workers Need a Bridge Between ‘India’ and ‘Bharat’,Not a False Promise 

Millions of impoverished migrant workers need secure and dignified employment and not the consolation of empty promises. 
labour women

Women in the Informal Sector Worst Hit by Lockdown, Suggests ISST Study

Women working in the informal sector are faced with unprecedented hardships amid the lockdown that only highlight and underline a highly gendered cultural ethos based on discriminatory practices.

From Direct Cash Transfers to Free Travel for Migrants: Opposition Parties Put Eleven Demands...

Opposition parties demand direct cash transfers, free travel and greater allotment of economic packages for alleviation of miseries of Indian poor,

Born Into the Brothel: The Miseries of Financial Loss and Abandonment Among Indian Sex...

The lockdown and absence of work has unleashed unprecedented difficulties on India’s sex workers and their children. With no governmental support and social security, they stare at a dark future.
migrant worker

Political Indifference, Lack of Policy Outreach and India’s Migrant Class

The plight of the migrant class in the phase of the lockdown and the institutional apathy are surely matters of grave societal concern.
Women informal sector

Women in India’s Informal Sector: Marginality and Inequality Underline Gender Gap

Women’s participation in the informal economy is phenomenal but their representation is insignificant. There is a need to secure the livelihoods of the working poor and especially the women employed in the informal economy.

As states weigh human lives versus the economy, history suggests the economy often wins

Whether it’s a plague or pandemic, the story tends to remain the same, with the quest for profits eventually prevailing over concerns for human health.
Hijra community

Visibly ‘Invisible’: The Plight of India’s Vulnerable Hijra Community Amid the Lockdown

Societal stigma, state-neglect , lack of funds and inability to access food and healthcare have pushed the Hijra community in India into further marginalisation and poverty.

Textile Industry Amid Lockdown : Second Largest Employer on the Verge of Crumbling

Severe economic difficulties will continue to hit the textile sector in the aftermath of the lockdown. As the second largest employer of the Indian masses, the textile industry will need sustained governmental support to survive.

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