Tag: Education
Paternalistic Prejudices, Parochial Interventions and Rigid Social Structures: Impediments to Puroik Social Mobility
Why does the Puroik community find it increasingly challenging to fight the paternalistic prejudices and social structures that also impact their access to opportunities of social mobility?
Revisiting Girls’ Education at the Crossroads of Social Inequity
The following piece looks at issues around girls' education with a special focus on caste, religion, location, and identity in contemporary India.
Issues around Prejudices and Morality in Children
The article explores ideas around prejudice and morality among young minds and looks at how it impacts their engagement with the world.
Why State Governments Need to Spend More on Education: The Delhi Case
The article looks at the important concern of states regarding generation of funds to support public education, the specific focus here is on the case of Delhi.
Learning from Ambedkar: An Educator’s Experiences from the Ground
Social injustice and caste discrimination are all around us but here’s how an educational intervention called Shiksha Swaraj draws inspiration from B.R. Ambedkar to brighten the future of children from marginalised backgrounds.
Rural Schools and Anganwadis: A Report from Jhansi District
Anganwadis play a vital role in rural India and with due infrastructural and budgetary allocation they can bridge the much widening gap between developmental goals and on ground realities.
BOOK REVIEW/ A Complete History of India by Roshen Dalal
Roshen Dalal weaves together the complex and divergent threads of Indian history retaining both complexity of narrative as well as beauty of presentation.
Understanding How Gender Barriers Impact Subject Choices in School Education
The article tries to examine gender biases that impacts subject choices in school education impacting the lives of
countless women in India and the world.
Book Review| Danger: SCHOOL!A Powerful and Artistic Commentary on our Schools
Children spend precious years of their lives in schools often without even equipping themselves with the curiosity to learn or the inquisitively to explore.
Caste, Religion and Our Classrooms
When stereotypes based on one’s caste and religious identities, and resultant symbolic violence disrupt our classrooms, we lose the spirit of emancipatory education.