Tag: Education
Education as Substantial Public Interest and the Inherent Inequalities of Online Education
With online education becoming a new trend amid the coronavirus pandemic, its ability to become democratic and egalitarian in terms of its dissemination is highly debatable.
Kerala’s Mass Movement for Democratising Virtual Learning and Bridging the ‘Digital Divide’
At a time when education is entirely halted for a majority of school students and a push for online education amid a lack of infrastructure asserts itself, Kerala is witnessing a historic mass movement for democratising virtual learning.
The Resurgence of Ed-Tech Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic: Implications for an Altered Educational Landscape
With e-learning becoming the overarching norm amid the pandemic, here is a thorough look at its implications, challenges and dilemmas for our times.
COVID-19 Lifts Veil Over Social Inequalities in Indian Education
The COVID-19 crisis has brought forward unprecedented challenges for educational policy in India and deepened the ongoing debate on educational accessibility.
The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Question of Digital Divide in the Indian Educational Landscape
In a country where access to technological solutions to learning and computer literacy are rare, can an overarching emphasis on e-learning deliver justice?
The Pathology of Online Education in a Hierarchical Society like India
A steady internet connection, decent availability of space and parental support make online education a welcome proposition for the children of the elite, but what about the others?
Not Fragmented Individuals: Towards the Undivided Whole
The goal of education is to help the individual integrate the inner and the outer, the self and the world; but today we experience a fragmentation that has given birth to conflict both in the world as well as within. A pedagogue engages with the root cause of this problem and pleads for a new journey.
Exposing the Fragile Glasshouse Called ‘University’ Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
The future is uncertain, and the present is fraught with difficulties. And that's what this pandemic has done - shown us the fragility of our glasshouses such as the ‘university’.
We the Teachers at the Time of Pandemic
At this moment when the taken-for-granted world has crumbled, is the role of the teacher confined only to ‘online teaching’?