Tag: Education
Teachers as Emancipators: For a Feasible Utopia
Is it possible to strive for a truly life-affirming education when the ‘system’ seeks to annihilate all utopias?
Reflections and Analysis of ‘Educational Quality’ as Reflected in Some Important Educational Documents
The following article undertakes an analysis of ‘Educational Quality’ as reflected in some important educational documents such as the RTE,SDG,NCF and NEP.
Deshbhakti Curriculum to Jan Lokpal: AAP Releases Manifesto
AAP has introduced a new Deshbhakti Curriculum as part of its election manifesto. Other key agendas include the Jan Lokpal and statehood for Delhi.
The Other Side of Discipline
In this brief note the editorial team has tried to indicate Foucault’s insights into the practice of school education.
When Education Destroys Us…
Why is it that the prevalent practice of education fails to enchant us?
Jyotirao Phule: The Thinker Who Compelled us to Think
Jyotirao Phule was an Indian thinker and activist who worked extensively for the upliftment of the downtrodden castes and initiated the process of educating the Dalit girl child.
Bihar’s Celebrated Mathematician dies, Family Made To Wait For 2 Hrs for Ambulance
Vashishtha Narayan Singh passed away at Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) in Patna on Thursday, his family have accused the hospital of negligence.
When its more Prestigious to be a ‘Cow’ than a Student of an Indian...
While students of public universities have no hostels to live in, the government plans to build more hostels for cows.
Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Educational Ideal: Vision and Practice
Here is a book that enriches our understanding of the process of implementation of Krishnamurti's educational ideals.
Dropout Rate/Arunachal Pradesh Refurbishes ‘Old’ Bus to ‘Vibrant’ Classroom
Lohit district in Arunachal Pradesh has converted an old bus into a vibrant classroom, students are now motivated to come to school.