Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tag: Education

Education with Awareness is the Key

The mechanisation and alienation often characteristic of the contemporary education system must be challenged with an education that is premised on awareness.

Destroying Minds, Destroying Creativity

Even if we feel proud of our 'publications' and 'expertise', the fact is that the prevalent practice of higher education has destroyed our creativity and life-affirming energy.

Worrying Policy-Trends in School Education: Challenges and Dilemmas

For the populace of 490 million children born in India in this new millennium, the majority of whom are poor, the dream and hope of equitable school education continues to elude.
We ought to think of reinventing Gandhi's relationship with the youth such that there is a better appreciation of his world vision.

Pedagogy/Relevance of Education from Gandhi, Freire and Dewey’s Perspective

The educational discourse of Gandhi, Freire and Dewey remind us of the multi-faceted debates on the meaning and significance of education in the society.

Remembering Gandhi: The Pedagogue

The Gandhian approach to education was one of action and not one of bookish study. This is exemplified in his keeping vocational activities, particularly the making of handicrafts, at the centre of the school curriculum in Nai Talim.

Rohingya / Rahima Akter Hasn’t Stopped Dreaming, Even When She is Rohingya

Rahima Akter’s story is about the deteriorating plight of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh’s Cox Bazar.

Critical Beings or Technocrats: Positivism in Social Science Classrooms

As classrooms becoming distant from realty, students will emerge as technocrats but would fail to embrace a multiplicity socio-cultural perspective.

Dramatics as Pedagogy in Classrooms

Dramatics as an important pedagogic tool helps revive the classroom space. 

Away from the Gunshots: An Effort to Educate Kashmiri Children in Kerala

Removed from political violence, Kerala’s ‘Kashmir Home’ provides solace to aspiring Kashmiri children.

Decadence of Studentship and the Need to Rethink Our Classrooms

With the decadence of an informed and active studentship, the university space is fast losing its liberating character.

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