Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tag: Education

The Much Needed Reform in Education

Being a central force, education needs to renew itself to meet the challenges of a new social order.

In a Neo-Liberal Age, What a degree in the Social Sciences Can Mean

With the hegemony of the Neo-liberal market discourse, what do the fields of Humanities and social sciences hold for the next generation?

Cultivating Educated Citizens for a Vibrant Democracy

Democracy demands an educated and vibrant citizenry that perceives of its role beyond the routine casting of votes.

CCTV Surveillance in Delhi Government Schools is Turning Them into an Orwellian Nightmare

AAP government may have done a commendable job at uplifting the face of public schooling in Delhi but its decision to broadcast live CCTV footage from classrooms is a regressive move.

Uncovering the Tragedy of Modern Childhood

Jam packed daily schedules, excessive pressure of performance and the fear of lagging behind have made modern day childhood a strain for children and adults alike.

Seeing Through Super 30: Sanctifying the IIT Dream

Does Super 30 rethink education in a radical fashion? Or does it just sanctify the IIT dream?

Flip it around!

Not everything is dead. It is possible for a teacher to arouse the child’s imagination; it is possible to generate poetry in a science class. In this article—written with immense clarity and conviction, a Chemistry teacher takes us to the realm of pedagogic revolution.

A Guide to Reading-Out to Your Child

The introduction of a child to the world of books is one of the best gifts that parenting can offer.

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