Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tag: Education

From Learning Happiness to Happiness While Learning: Reflections on the Happiness Curriculum

Government of NCT of Delhi has introduced the ‘Happiness Curriculum’ to make schools less stressful and much happier spaces for children through mindfulness, storytelling and self-expression. Can such a curriculum percolate to the lived realities of all these children?

Thinking Beyond Hollow Conceptions of Teacher Performance

EDUCATION Will it be appropriate to rate teachers based on students’ performance alone or are there many nuanced factors that determine the way the child learns at school apart from the way the teacher delivers in class? Will critiquing the rating of teachers necessarily amount to allowing teachers to escape from being accountable to teaching?

An Unsatisfactory Projection : Why Cheat India?

FILM REVIEW The education system of India with rampant cheating and rigging find a plot in Why Cheat India. The film however fails to leave an impact on the audience or empower the mind to think alternatively.

Inclusion in Textbook Writing

Textbooks play a key role in the process of knowledge in Indian classrooms. The question arises: Are these texts ‘biased’ or sufficiently inclusive? An educationist does a comparative analysis, and raises important questions.

The Inspirational Story of Sabriye Tenberken

A sudden accident can often alter the path of one’s life. When Sabriye Tenberken lost her eyesight, she started on an inspirational journey to illuminate the lives of blind people around.

Challenges of Intolerance and War are Crucial to Education in Our Times

BRINGING UP CHILDREN The challenges of bringing up our children in an increasingly turbulent world demand that parents and educators throughout the world unite and strive for ways to inculcate peace and brotherhood across the world.

The Burden of Schooling Twenty Five Years after the Yashpal Report

Education & Policy | To reduce the burden of school bags, we must rethink the very agenda of schooling.

Making Sense of the ‘Real’ Through Marx and Sartre

EDUCATION It has been two centuries since Karl Marx was born but his vision and foresight continue to be of significance in our age. The piece walks us through an exercise of making sense of reality with the help of Marx and existentialist- Marxist thinker Jean Paul Sartre.

Kerala Emphasises Education at the Core of Development

EDUCATION EDUCATION At a time when states such as Uttar Pradesh are busy renaming districts in the name of religious affinity, the state of Kerala has walked on an altogether new model of development by introducing its citizens to education through the State Literacy Mission.

The Dynamics of Power in the Classroom

EDUCATION Knowledge, it is often said, is not outside power. What does happen when a teacher engages with her students in the classroom? Is it possible for her to activate the agency of her students as active participants in the learning process?

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