Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tag: Education

The Process of Teaching and Learning: The mistakes one makes!

BOOK REVIEW Teaching Tales Learning Trails takes you on a journey of self-discovery through the hustle-bustle in the classroom to the dilemmas in the teacher’s mind. The stories in the book are sure to encourage a thought provoking debate on the altering contours of education and the practice of teaching-learning in our classrooms.
Policy for Rare Diseases

Confronting India’s Healthcare Horror

HEALTH Although not a fundamental right, healthcare demands the critical attention of the State especially at a time when the private sector is making its entry into all spheres of life from healthcare and schooling to banking and communication.  Rajeshwari 

Lessons from Finland: Learning Differently

EDUCATION Finland’s education system gives us all a lesson into the essence of creative pedagogy, the significance of child-centric education and the revival of teaching as a vocation. For a nation like India confronted with large scale structural concerns, a few lessons from Finland will be fruitful.

Kerala’s Public Libraries are Central to its Self-Definition

The importance that is given to public libraries as valuable resources for the generation of constructive public imageries is immense; the emphasis that Kerala laid on rebuilding its damaged libraries after the floods is inspiring and exemplary.

Finding the Way to a Sustainable Future

Ecology and Economics are intrinsically interconnected and it is only when we disturb the balance between them that we give birth to unsustainable futures. What roles can education paly in creating collective consciousness for a harmonious existence?

It’s Tough to Convince a Bird, that it is Free

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a classic which will continue to remind us that we can cooperate or compete, remain bored or explore the highest skies- it all depends whether we have prepared ourselves to acknowledge that we are essentially free beings.

When an Illiterate Fruit Seller Built a School: Dreams amidst Hard Times

EXPLORATION In the outskirts of Mangalore, an illiterate fruit seller dedicated his time and savings to build up the only school in his village that not only promised the light of education to many but also became the symbol of people’s agency.

A Segregated Urban Space and the Assertion of Parochial Ties

Segregated ‘ghettos’ alienate and separate people while cosmopolitan spaces build the social fabric. A walk through the Valmiki Colony in the heart of Delhi reminds us of the manner in which the interplay of class, caste and modernity influence the realm of education. Manish Singh

The Emperor’s New Pair of Trousers: A Modern Day Parable

VIEWPOINT Managerial elite, corporates, business tycoons and industrialists all seem to be extremely interested to invest in the education sector. With the assertion of business priorities before inclusive education dreams, the education system needs serious attention. Anthony Joseph

Children ought to be told about Death

PERSPECTIVE This article emerges out of the experience of a teacher who questions the negligence of important questions such as the meaning of death from our school curriculum and the larger discourse in the field of education. Gayatri Pattnaik

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