Tag: Education
Delhi Government Introduces ‘Happiness Curriculum’
The Delhi Government is introducing ‘Happiness Curriculum to make students relaxed professionals and give the world happiness. Without constructive change in assessment, will the ‘Happiness Curriculum’ make any difference?
Labelling Theory and the Classrooms
The classroom is like a second home for the child. Each and every child requires to be nurtured with unadulterated care and love to be able to realize her complete potential.
The Story Doesn’t Apply To You
The vocation that one takes up determines to a great extent the motivation and commitment that one has for the work one does. Here the author enables us to take an inward journey of self-exploration.
Beyond the Autonomy Debate: How Not to Perpetuate the Apartheid in India’s Higher Education...
The need of the hour is greater and equal allocation of resources aimed at equalizing the pre-existing disparity among central and regional universities, and the creation of more public-funded universities to facilitate entry of the last person in line into the regular mode of higher education.
In memory of a childhood lost in time…
We must rethink our educational practices and ask why knowledge must perpetuate injustice? Is there a possibility where education becomes a bridge for collective growth, can we think of an education that unites us in our essential humanity beyond class, caste or race?
Greater Content in NCERT Textbooks on ‘Glories of Bharat Mata’
Alterations in NCERT textbooks will emphasise familiarising students with content that generates a sense of patriotic pride in them and make them aware of the ‘glories of Bharat Mata’.
May I Appeal to You—the ‘Toppers’
At a time when the results of board examinations are once again erecting a huge wall between the ‘toppers’ and the ‘failures’, the article emerges as a powerful reminder—written with a spirit of humanistic pedagogy.
The Journey as a Teacher of Life
Simple living and creative thinking are the catalysts that make parenting a truly meaningful intervention. The eagerness to explore, generate alternatives and the capacity to think beyond the given enable a child to grow up innovatively.
Crisis in Public Universities and the Indian Context
Public universities are significant contributors for the development of a nation. It is extremely necessary for governments to maintain quality and deliver the optimum through public universities for empowerment of people and the creation of a meaningful society.
Teach for Wholeness, for Balance
In a world characterized by negativity and cynicism it is important for parents and teachers to come together, and generate a new awareness among children. Here is a reminder by two great educationists—Hedley Beare and Richard Slaughter—from Australia.