Tag: Education
The Art of Teaching and the Creativity of the Teacher
Teaching as a vocation requires us to grow and learn throughout. Children can benefit from a pedagogue when she is introspective and eager for her vocation.
Education and the Crisis of Humanity in Contemporary Era
The death and rape of a minor in India recently has led to a countrywide debate. It is significant that we ask how the tradition of humanity can be maintained in times like these.
Over Dependence on Tourism Sector has Curbed Uttarakhand’s Growth
Scarcities of livelihoods, basic healthcare facilities, lack of educational and employment opportunities and the extreme dependence on tourism sector have deprived the state of Uttarakhand of the chance to empower its people in meaningful ways.
Alternative Education is Not Mere Decorum
In this thought provoking article— based on a lecture delivered by the author at Lady Shri Ram College, DU—Professor Avijit Pathak has pleaded for a radical departure from the fundamentals of a violent/hierarchical society and its faulty pattern of education.
Delhi’s Government’s Book Bank Initiative is a Step towards Collective Empowerment
In a country like India where many children cannot afford textbooks, the initiative of the Delhi Government to start Book Banks will certainly empower learners from underprivileged backgrounds.
Rethinking educational philosophy in Our Times
The dynamism of educational philosophy will lie in its ability to constantly renovate itself and make itself adequate for the needs of the changing times. This article reflects on this requirement and throws light on this important issue.
Dr. Sushama Yermal
Finding Ways to Child Friendly Assessment
The present education system lays central importance on examinations depriving learners the opportunity to unfold their potential in innovative styles. Can we rethink assessment to suit the demands of the learner?
Inclusive Mathematics Education – A reality or a distant dream?
For many students Mathematics is a subject to be feared but will a constructive and sensitive approach to the discipline help make the discipline suitable to the needs of various students?
Visual Literacy is Fundamental to Teacher Education Curriculum
Educating the educator makes the crucial component of education and when one effectively exposes oneself to the domain of visual literacy; it becomes a source of empowerment in making sense of the young learner’s world.
Manoj Kumar
Children in the Underdeveloped Countries Learn to Use Computers: Teachers Role as Mediators
Many projects instituted by international organisations like the United Nations prioritise the dissemination of technology to the poor nations.Will technology on its own meet the need of inculcating active citizenship?