Tag: Education
Critical Pedagogy: Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals By Henry Giroux
On the occasion of Henry Giroux’s birth anniversary we are happy to publish the extract from his article titled ‘Crossing the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Modernism, Postmodernism and Feminism’.
The New Leam believes that Henry Giroux is one of the leading critical pedagogues of our times, and his sharp reflections on culture, polity and education remind us of the discontents of the neo liberal notion of market-induced/skill-oriented learning.
Hindi Diwas – 14th September | Hegemonic English: The Cleavage of Divided India
The divide between India and Bharat is only widening. Language with its hegemonic power does have a significant role to play in erecting the wall between the elites and the masses. Can this hegemony be transcended or is language destined to become the new status symbol of modern India?
Teaching as Celebration of Life
Teachers are the backbone of any civilization and the onus of cultivating quality citizens for tomorrow rests on them. On the occasion of Teachers' Day we commemorate the great contributions being made by teachers across the world. The article that follows shares with us the significance of teachers and throws light on what the civilization would have been without them.
Give me my Right to Education
The Right to Education is central to the growth and emancipation of any society as it builds the bridge between its various sections and establishes the foundations of equity and dignity for all. However is the right only a hypothetical myth that is still denied to a large section of the population which is deprived and marginalized? What happens if we do not hear these voices of pain and agony? The contemplative poem below reflects this angst.
Transforming a Dump yard into Paradise: Karnataka’s Positive Story
Recently a group of students in Karnataka transformed an age old dump yard into a park for marginalised children who were erstwhile deprived of any playing space. This is a story that reaffirms our faith in the potential of humanity and helps us challenge the hegemonic power of ‘bad’ news that our headlines are generally made up of.
The Rhythm of Nature
Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts, on July 12, 1817. Between 1845 and 1847 Thoreau lived in a cabin he had built himself on his mentor Emerson’s property, near to Walden pond.
Art is Therapeutic Claims a Recent Report
Arts have a potential to cure tension and stress. They help us by making life aesthetic and meaningful in different ways. Let us explore how we can live more artistically in day to day existence.
An Education for the Future: A Dream Vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
| Sri Aurobindo was an Indian philosopher-educationist who wrote extensively on the nature of human consciousness and the way forward to a better future for the whole of mankind through inner awakening and flowering. On the occasion of his birth anniversary it is time we invoked his ideas afresh.
The Unity of Man and Cosmos
There is something pathological about the way knowledge’s are fragmented and divided; it causes violence, anguish and some sort of neurotic disorder. Is it possible to have a new quest for the kind of knowledge that heals, and unites man and cosmos? Radhakamal Mukerjee—a great social philosopher—was a visionary. That is why, what he wrote in 1964, we believe, needs to be understood and comprehended by all those who think of education and the destiny of civilization.
The No- Detention Policy and the fate of education for the marginalized in India
The No-Detention Policy is likely to be dropped at the elementary school level according to a recent government proposal. In a cultural milieu where educational opportunities are already scarce for the marginalized in general and for the girl child in particular, the repercussions that this is likely to have are drastic.