Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: Education

The need of the hour is to encourage states to spend more on public education.

What Bihar Requires to Spend on Elementary School Education?

Low funding in education has costed Bihar a lot and unless it prioritises school education and its democratisation under the RTE, it is bound to remain educationally deprived.
An ongoing session at the Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Life of Social Commitments—Elderly Activists Look Back At Young Dreams

A story of life long commitment inspires generations to walk on the same path and convert dreams into realities. 

Watch | Aishwarya Reddy’s Suicide and Why the Digital Divide Has Accentuated Educational Hierarchies

This program is about how the widespread insistence on online teaching-learning in what is being called the 'new-normal' must be contested and challenged because it doesn't take into consideration the socio-economic locations of a majority of Indian students who come from economically disadvantaged sections and have no access to regular educational opportunities let alone dedicated technology or the internet for accessing online teaching-learning. It becomes clearly established that an already exclusive/elitist access to education becomes an even distant dream for lakhs of Indian students amid the pandemic giving way to issues such as forceble drop-out, discontinuation of academic pursuit, premature entry into the workforce or being entrapped into child trafficking or being forced into early marriages. The digital-divide is sure to have deep and long-term implications for the domain of education and we have ample evidence to show that it is resulting in suicides, mental anxieties and sheer desperation in students, the latest among such cases being the suicide of an LSR student in Telanagana who didn't get her fellowship money, couldn't afford to buy a smartphone to access her online classes and thus took her own life out of helplessness and a sense of being left out. The coronavirus pandemic has only accentuated and underlined the inherent hierarchies/cleavages and walls of separation within the Indian education system.

Exploring the Pivotal Role of the Head Teacher in Transforming the Lives of Children...

This case study presents the exemplary leadership of a head teacher who leveraged upon community support to transform the school infrastructure and learning environment of the Gadgaon primary government school.

The Pandemic , Unequal Opportunities and the Challenges Posed by the Online Mode of...

In a society embedded in socio-economic hierarchies, access to online education is limited to the privileged and leaves behind a large section of those coming from marginalised backgrounds.

Children in Public Schools Were Completely Neglected by the Agenda of Digital Education, And...

It is perhaps one of the greatest paradoxes of our times that we are unable to provide an access to quality education and learning...

Gender Insensitivity and Sexism are Ingrained in Indian Socialisation Practices, Can Education Change it?

From socialisation to school curriculum, from taboos on sex associated discussions to engaging cross gender interactions, the issues of masculinity and femininity need to be probed into.

Critical Reflections on Making School Level Science Inclusive and Inviting for All

The article engages with the need to make school level science more inclusive and egalitarian and listen to the aspirations of children from diverse backgrounds.

Cultivating Peace, Dialogue and Justice Through Education

An important goals of education is to lay the foundation for a society based on equality, peace and justice.

Does Neo-Liberalism Devalue the Role of a Teacher?

The Neo-liberal agenda has reduced the teacher into a facilitator or service-provider and the learner into a mere client.

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